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Welcome to the L.M. Edible Landscape Blog!

Today's topic:


Nutrition is the act or process of nourishing or being nourished; specifically : the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances.

Now this may seem like a fairy simple and well understood addition of actions & processes yet it is more complex than it's easygoing definition. The first question to be asked is how? How does an animal. human, or plant soak up these essential nutrients that are so desired and needed by the body.

The Breakdown

Nutrients consist of compounds that give our body energy & help control the way our body grows.

These compounds must be broken down to be utilized. The first step to that breakdown, human saliva, contains 98% water, electrolytes, mucus, white blood cells, epithelial cells, glycoproteins, enzymes and antimicrobial agents

The enzymes found in saliva are essential in beginning the breakdown. These compounds later end up in our intestines and furthermore in our bloodstream. Which is the main focus of this write up.


Concentrating and or breaking down compounds prior to absorption is a sneaky way to decrease the work our body has to do while reaping the same, if not even better benefits. Kinda like going to the gym after eating an unhealthy meal, you'll have to work harder to get the same results.

A commonly forgotten passageway to our bloodstream is our skin. The human body's largest organ. Lot of commonly used products containing harmful chemicals leach into our bloodstream through skin absorption, such as deodorants, soaps, shampoo, sunscreen, creams, lotions, salves, toners & almost all other mass produced products that end up on our skin.

We put our efforts into making products that are made entirely with naturally beneficial organic constituents that your body will appreciate and utilize to is fullest potential without having to put in the extra work.

The Concentrated Plot

Concentrating compounds and mixing them with catalysts is one of our favorite things to do around here. Although we don't utilize that method for all our products, it truly is the vision we believe in the most for relieving ailments the most effectively. That being said, not all our services or products directly target ailments.

Another reason that nutrition is today's topic is that were presently working on developing a human nutrient line and would like to announce it to the world! A good example of the love for concentrating compounds spoken about above. Just like ones you'd find at your local plant store stating it contains all the essential nutrients, (even though it really doesn't) ours will be tested to properly meet the feed requirements that the human body needs based on the average adults nutritional needs. A plant feed version of bottled nutrients will also be released prior to the human feed line.

Developing healthier and more effective services & products whether it be for your skin or pallet is always something we pride ourselves on especially that all of them are non-toxic and organic.

Feed your body quality. We are like plants and will shine when given the right care! Stay healthy and well!

Hope you enjoyed the read!

Till next time!

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